Choose from
the following children's sermons/resources:
God is always with us! Luke 1:26-38
Rev Randy L Quinn
Angels We Have Heard On High,
by Rev. F. Schaefer
When God Says:
by Rev. F. Schaefer
Turning Things Around for the Better, a
children's sermon seed by a DPSer
Advent Reading for Children
God is always with us!
a sermon based on Luke 1:26-38
Rev Randy L Quinn
A long time ago, a friend
of mine and I went into an old tunnel. There were no lights in the
tunnel, so we brought our flashlight with us. Neither one of us had
been there before, so we were a little nervous about what we’d see or
how to find our way.
But we didn’t see
anything. It was too dark. And there was so much fog in the tunnel
that even our flashlight didn’t help. We couldn’t find our way, we just
walked along nervously.
We walked close together
as we carefully walked into the dark tunnel. Then we heard a strange
noise. It frightened us so much that we both ran back the way we came.
That’s part of what
happened when it was too foggy for the reindeer to take Santa on his
rounds one year, isn’t it? Rudolf used his bright nose to help guide
the way! But if the rest of the reindeer or Santa had never gone that
way before, even a bright nose wouldn’t really help them, would it?
They might still get lost!
Sometimes, we get a little
scared don’t we? Sometimes we’re lost. Sometimes we’re not lost; it’s
just that things around us are not familiar. In those times what do you
do? (I’m hoping someone will suggest that we hold on to someone
else’s hand.)
When we’re lost or when
we’re in a new place, it’s nice to have someone there to walk with us,
isn’t it? We can hold hands or just stand close enough so that we know
they will catch us if we fall or something.
That’s what Mom’s and
Dad’s do for us, isn’t it?
You know what? That’s
what God does, too. God goes with us wherever we go. All we have to do
is to pray and God will be with us. And I’m glad. God not only knows
the way, God can also find a way through any dark night or any fog.
Let’s pray:
God, thank you for
always being with us. Help us remember that you are right by our sides
if we ever get scared. Amen.
Angels We Have Heard On High
by Rev. F. Schaefer
Props: angel figure from a manger scene
Today, I brought a piece of my nativity scene (introduce your angel figure by having it
fly in from over your head). No guesses needed here. That's right, I got
Mr. Herald Angel here. Who of you has a manger scene at home? Is yours
under the Christmas tree? You know, some manger scenes don't come with an angel any
longer; do you remember if your manger scene--if you have one--has an angel?
Well, I'm glad that mine does, because I think that the angels are very important in
the Christmas story. Maybe you can help me remember some of the angels in the
Christmas story? OK, let's see, we have three shepherds, a sheep, Mary, Joseph, baby
Jesus, three wisemen, a cow and a donkey. Who of them talked to an angel in the story?
(Encourage their answers, if no answer, start prompting)...the sheep? Did the sheep
talk to an angel? (shake your head slightly to encourage the no answer) What about the
shepherds? Yes, that's how they knew about Jesus.
The angel told them (hold up your angel). What about Joseph? Yes, an angel
told Joseph that Mary was supposed to have baby Jesus. He told him to take care of
Mary and baby Jesus (and, of course, an angel told him in a dream to flee to Egypt later).
What about Mary? Yes, you're right, Mary had a vision of an angel too.
The angel told her that she would have a baby. He told her that she should
name him Jesus, and that Jesus was a very special child--that he was going to be the
Savior of the whole world, that he was going to show people a new way to God.
You see already, why I think that angels are important in the Christmas story.
They were very involved in it. In fact, it looks like the angels were
working overtime on that first Christmas. Who of you would like to meet a real angel
some day? I wonder what that would be like. Do you suppose that you'd be a
little frightened when all of a sudden an angel pops up right in front of you--out of
nowhere? Well, Mary was a little frightened at first, but then the angel said:
"Don't be afraid, Mary, I bring good news." Angels are nice. They
are God's helpers. What do you think, should we say thank you to God this
morning for angels? OK. let's bow our heads for prayer:
Prayer: Thank you, God, for sending your helpers, the angels, to Mary and Joseph
and the shepherds. Without their help there may not be a Christmas to celebrate.
Thank you God for sending angels to watch over us, too. Help us not to
forget your angels this Christmas. Amen.
When God Says: "Surprise!"
A children's sermon based on the Gospel
by Rev. F. Schaefer
Props: none
Greetings my little friends; today I want to talk about surprises. Sometimes we
surprise someone we love with a birthday party; do you know what I'm talking about?
When you invite a bunch of people and they all hide in the living room,
behind the couch and behind chairs and everywhere. And then the person whose
birthday it is comes home and everything is dark and suddenly the lights come on and
everybody yells: "Surpriiiiiiiiise!!"
Have you ever been part of such a surprise party? Have you ever surprised
somebody? Or have you ever been surprised by someone?
Surprises come in all forms and sizes. They can be good or bad. I'll give you an
example of a bad surprise: every Christmas, it seems, something broke during my
childhood days; in one year it was the fridge that broke and we all ended up cooking all
the food we had in the freezer so it wouldn't go bad. And in another year the washer
broke and there was water everywhere and we had to help pick it up with buckets and mobs.
A surprise is something that happens that you weren't expecting to happen.
This morning we find Mary and Joseph very much surprised. They are surprised by
God. They had been living their lives, making plans to get married and then make a
home for themselves, when suddenly God said: "Supriiiiise!"
And God gave them a baby before they were even married. And of course, we all
know that was baby Jesus. But, the thing is, Joseph and Mary weren't ready for a
baby yet. They didn't have any money for it, they didn't even have their own home
But the thing is, whenever God says "surprise" to someone, God also makes a
way for that person. God's surprise looked bad at first for Joseph and Mary, but God
worked things out for them.
And that's a wonderful thing to know: that those like us who belong to God don't have
to be afraid of anything that happens to us. Even though life has its surprises, we
can know that God will be with us, helping us through and making things better.
And so, every Christmas in my childhood home, God helped us through the surprises of
broken fridges and washers, and by the time holy night came around we were all celebrating
God's great surprise gift of baby Jesus.
Can we all say thank you for God's surprise gift of baby Jesus this morning?
Let us pray: "Dear God, we want to thank you for being with us and
for helping us through any surprises in life. Help us to remember that especially in bad
times. And thank you for your that biggest surprise gift of all times--baby Jesus,
who is the reason why we celebrate Christmas. Amen."
Turning Things Around for the Better
a children's sermon seed by a DPSer
Prepare a new box of crayons or crayolas by breaking one of the
crayons in half. Open the box of crayons before the children, and
exclaim Oh-oh, a broken crayon! I am really bothered by broken crayons,
especially new ones. I like them to be in one piece. But you know, what
I can do with a broken crayon? I can share it with someone else and
instead of one person having a crayon, two will have a crayon. When
things we don't like happen to us, we can find a way to make it work for
Advent Reading for Children
FOURTH SUNDAY IN ADVENT: Mary Nobody had less occasion to step upon history's stage
than a woman, too poor, so young, and still unmarried. No one had less hope against the
shock of a man disappointed in his choice of s bride. No one had less claim upon the
orders of Caesar Augustus. No one had less reason to be noticed by God. It was not wealth
and position that gave her the title of the mother of a king, and it was not purity of
thought or diligence of work or depth of understanding that acted as a magnet for the
attention of the creator. Rather it was the intention of the creator that found a way
unique and humble for this event to enter upon history's stage. And when the creator chose
to be among the people, the creator chose a particular people, humble and poor, and a
specific, very young woman, and a precise moment in the fullness of time, and the star
shone, and the shepherds and wise men gathered, and the angels sang.