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Trinity Sunday, Year A
Worship and Sermon Resources

"And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age."
Matthew 28:16-20

Texts & Discussion:
Genesis 1:1-2:4a
Psalm 8
2 Corinthians 13:11-13
Matthew 28:16-20


This Week's Themes:

Triune Nature of God
Human in God's image
Baptized in the Trinitarian Name of God


Trinity Sunday Prayer

  We praise Thee, O God, for having made known to us the great mystery of the Holy Trinity. Thou has granted the privilege of worshiping Thee as Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, three divine Persons in one unchanging God.

    We worship Thee, O God the Father. Thou hast created us and given us the gift of life. Thou hast sustained us through the years with the gifts of Thy love.  Thou has protected us in danger and guided us safely to this day.  For all these gifts we praise and thank Thy holy name.

We worship Thee, O God the Son. Thou wast slain and hast redeemed us to God by Thy blood. Thou hast hidden our sins with the robe of Thy righteousness. Thou hast covered our unworthiness with Thy merit.  Thou didst become the Son of Man that we might become the children of God.  For all these gifts we praise and thank Thy Holy name.

     We worship Thee, O God the Holy Ghost. Thou hast given us the gift of faith so that we know Jesus Christ as our Savior from sin and death and hell. Thou hast given us the assurance of the forgiveness of our sins through Him. Thou hast cheered us with the hope of heaven in Christ. For all these gifts we praise and thank Thy holy name.

     O Holy Trinity, preserve us always in body and soul until we stand at the last in joyful awe and wonder before Thy throne to praise Thee in the fullness of joy, world without and. Amen.



Children's Sermons:

Trinity Sunday


Sermon Excerpt:

The Lord Our God is One or ... Three?
by Janet in CNY

The Proverbs passage says Wisdom was created before the earth was formed, before the mountains and the fields. Wisdom is usually portrayed as a feminine figure, from the Greek word Sophia. Some people equate this "Wisdom" with the Holy Spirit, but the Holy Spirit is God, so it cannot be a created being. But if Wisdom IS a part of God, as it must be, because God did all the creating, and has all wisdom and knowledge, then wisdom is not a created being. See how twisted around these studies can be?!

One of my courses at TC3 this past semester was Astronomy. We learned about the unimaginable vastness of space…the emptiness of space…the innumerable stars that are there, and that many thousands of them have planets orbiting around them. Some of those planets may be able to sustain life much the same as our own. I enjoyed the course very much, but it raised many questions in my mind. Unfortunately, these are questions to which there is no available answer. Notice I said AVAILABLE answer. There are answers, but we won't get them until we set foot in heaven. Ralph Milton, author of the weekly edition of Rumors, spoke of stars this week. I quote:

My son Mark is a very scientific type who is deeply interested in astronomy. He does deep space photography, which involves freezing his backside on a high, dry mountaintop, while a computer attached to a telescope takes exposures that go on for hours and many nights in sequence. I admire the process, but don’t ask me to explain it. On his wall, Mark has a poster based on some pictures taken by the Hubble telescope. One frame shows the sky we see with the naked eye - the Big Dipper. In the middle of that Big Dipper a tiny section of seemingly blank sky, about a quarter inch square, is framed. That is then blown up to about a foot square, and it turns out to be full of stars. In the middle of that picture, again a quarter inch square is framed. That is then blown up to an even larger picture, and again, it is just full of stars. Mark also has a book, most of which is written in techie-talk. But there was one paragraph I understood. If you take a thimble full of sand, the grains of sand in that thimble would be approximately equal to the number of stars you can see with your naked eye. If you then filled up a wheelbarrow full of sand, that would represent about the number of stars you can see with modern telescopes. But if you then filled up boxcars full of that sand, and those boxcars went by at the rate of one every two minutes, and those boxcars went by for a week without stopping, that represents the number of stars in the known universe. I can’t get my head around that at all. And maybe it doesn’t prove anything. But for me it is a glorious symphony to the grandeur and mystery of God.

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