Hard Decisions?
a sermon based on 1 Kings 17:8-16
by Rev. Frank Schaefer
When my
wife and I were young (er), we were quite
…courageous. We went on a motorcycle trip
through Europe. It was the time before credit
cards (Come on now: that’s not that long ago) and
near the end of our trip we ran out of money. We
walked into a bank to have them transfer some
money from our own bank, but that would have taken
at least 3 business days, they told us. Well, we
didn’t have the money to pay for a motel for this
period of time, so we decided to just go back home
in one go.
When we were about 200 miles
away from our home in Germany, I spent the last of
our money to fill up the tank. The problem
was that I knew that one tank filling would only
last us for a maximum of 150 miles. So, we did the
only thing left to do: we prayed for a
miracle--the miracle of the bottomless gas tank.
When we were about 150 miles away from home I had
an idea. And perhaps giving me this idea was
God’s way of answering our prayer. I poured
the rest of the two-cycle oil I had (perhaps about
a quart and a half) straight into the gas tank
(instead of the separate oil tank) which filled
the tank a little fuller again.
Needless to say that the bike
ran very rich, producing more smoke than normal,
but I didn’t care, because somehow we made it all
the way home. To this day, I am still not sure
whether engineers would agree that pouring the
2-cycle oil is what extended the gas mileage.
But my wife and I have always given thanks to God
for coming to our rescue. This is our
closest experience to the bottomless jar we have
to this day. And this is what came mind first as I
read the story of the faithful widow.
Our OT reading offers indeed
a remarkable story. It’s about a widow who
experiences the true miracle of the bottomless
flower jar and oil jug, as she provides food for
the prophet Elijah at a time when she herself had
nothing to spare.
The first widow lived at a
time of a severe drought; people were literally
starving to death during that time, and the
prophet Elijah was actually wanted by the
authorities. King Ahab had decreed that all
prophets of the Lord be found and put to death.
Our widow faced a really hard decision. By
accommodating the prophet of God she made a
decision to give of the very substance of her
livelihood and she had to make a decision to
become a traitor to the King, which I am sure, was
punishable by death. This widow put her and
her son’s life on the line for God.
Sometimes in life we face
those decisions that are not clear-cut. They are
in the gray areas of life. Sometimes the
right thing to do is to take a stand on the wrong
side of the law, because human law takes a second
seat to God’s law. Ask many of those who
went through the civil rights era, who put their
lives and their future on the line for the noble
cause of ending discrimination and racism.
Or ask those in Nazi Germany
who hid in the basements of their homes Jews,
homosexuals, or many others that were on Hitler’s
political enemy list. They risked their own lives
and the lives of their family members to do what
is right in the sight of God. And some of them
actually lost their lives as they were found out.
Or, for an example closer to
our time, consider those students on campuses in
the U.S. nationwide that get arrested every year
by insisting to organize prayers around the flag
poles of their public schools. They stand up for
religious freedom and expression in a time when
officials tend to go overboard with
“de-religifying” public spaces and events.
I am excited about these
kinds of decisions, because to me they prove the
existence of God. Selfless and
self-sacrificial acts of this nature just do not
fit into the natural scheme of this world; none of
Darwin’s evolutionary laws can account for such a
show of altruism. In fact, altruism was one of the
things Darwin struggled with; if I remember
correctly from my Science and Theology classes at
seminary, he flat-out admitted that he did not
have an explanation for it.
I get goose bumps whenever I
hear of people that stand up to others on the
grounds of their beliefs and conscience.
Just recently I got all excited again when I
watched the movie Luther and especially watching
the scene where he stands before the Emperor’s
right-hand man and says: “here I stand, I can do
no other (than to affirm my writings and confess
my faith), so help me God!”
The thing is this, if the
widow had given in to human weakness and had gone
against her conscience, she could not have stood
to see her own reflection in the mirror (if they
had mirrors back then). Sure, she could have
come up with some really good and solid
justifications; after all, she had the law on her
side. But still, there is no way you can
rationalize your conscience into submission as a
believer. The Spirit of God is going to make sure,
you won’t forget what is right.
In the end, God richly
rewarded the widow and her son; they did not go
hungry the entire time the draught lasted. A
little later on in the chapter, we even read about
how Elijah is used by God to heal the widow’s
deadly ill son. God stands up for us, if we
stand up for God. God provides for those who
obey God and do what is right.
How about us this morning?
What kind of decisions do we face in everyday
life? Are we struggling with what is God’s
will? My guess is that deep down, when you
ask your own conscience, you already know what the
right decision is. Perhaps we can get
inspired this morning by the example of the
faithful widow. Most likely, our decisions aren’t
even as difficult as hers, so let’s take courage
this morning and let’s take joy in standing up for
what is good and right in the sight of the Lord.