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Be a Stand-In
based on Luke 7:1-10
Rev. Frank Schaefer


Today's gospel story is amazing. Usually when people were sick and they wanted Jesus to heal them, they went to see Jesus. They came to where he was preaching and asked him: "can you heal my disease?" Did Jesus always do that? Did he always heal people that asked him for a healing?  YES, absolutely. He always did!

Now, today's story is a bit different. For the person who was sick, did not come to Jesus. Somebody else, actually the person's boss, went to ask Jesus to heal h.

I don't know if the servant was too sick to go to Jesus himself, we don't even know whether the sick servant actually knew about his boss going to Jesus to ask for a healing for him. He must have been a really good servant for his boss to go and ask Jesus to pray for him to get well.

You know what that reminds me of?  Sometimes we have healing services here at our church, when we anoint the sick with oil (if you have an anointing flask, you may show it to the kids at this point)  and pray to God for a healing.

Once in a while, someone will come forth for the anointing and prayer and when I ask them, "how can I pray for you?" they will say something like: I am a stand-in for another person. I am asking for a healing for so-and-so.

Isn't that the exact same thing that happened in our gospel story?! Would you do that for someone you love? Would you be a stand-in for them and ask that you be anointed with oil and prayed over in their place?

Do you think that would work? Do you think you can be anointed and prayed over for somebody else's healing?

Well, I think so, because in our gospel story, the servant, who was far away, was actually healed. And besides, Jesus was really impressed with the faith of the stand-in Mr. Boss person.

Do you have someone, maybe a friend or a family member, that needs healing right now?  Would you want to stand in for them?

(if a kid comes forth, ask for the name of the person they stand in for. lay a hand on the stand-in child, and pray for a healing of the person they identified.)

Next time we have a healing service, you too can be a stand-in for someone you love.