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Choose from the following Children's Sermons:

  • Holy Bible or Holy God? Luke 21:5-19
    Randy Quinn

  • Why is the ceiling so high? Psalm 139, Luke 21:5-19

  • Johnny Appleseed, Isaiah 65, Luke 21, Joy in Atl.

  • Working, 2 Thess 3:6-13, by Rev. Frank Schaefer


Holy Bible or Holy God?
Luke 21:5-19
Randy Quinn

Someone asked me an interesting question this week.  It wasn’t the first time I’ve had someone ask me the same question.  But I wasn’t sure what the answer was, so I thought I’d ask you what you thought.  When my Bible gets old and the pages begin to fall out, what should I do with my Bible?

Do you want to know what I think?  I think it’s a good thing when a Bible is so worn out that we need to wonder what to do!  Some Bibles just sit around and collect dust.  And I know of some Bibles that are really just decorations in people’s homes.  So my first thought is that it’s good when a Bible is used so much that we begin to wonder what to do with it.  It means people have been reading it.  And that’s a good thing!

In Synagogues, there are scrolls made of sheepskin that have the scripture on them.  They “dress it up” like a Queen and almost treat it like a real person.  When their scroll gets too worn out to use, they have a funeral and bury it.  (I think the Muslims do the same thing with worn out Korans, too.)

But Christians don’t worship the book itself.  We know that only God is holy.  This book contains the stories of our faith – stories that tell us about God and how people have responded to God.  But it is not God.

So, like any other book, we can try to fix the binding and keep using it or we can give it away to someone who doesn’t have one as nice as ours.

I did look for some answers to what to do with it when those aren’t options.  And you know what I found?  Everyone feels funny about throwing it away, but that’s all we can do.  We could burn it or we could bury it – like the Jewish people do.  Or we can thank God we were able to use it so long and then throw it away and buy a new one.

Let’s pray:

God:  thank you for speaking to us through the pages of scripture.  Help us to honor you when we read the Bible, and to read our Bible so much that we wear them out.  But help us not make an idol out of the book itself as we seek to worship you.  We pray in Jesus’ name.  Amen.


Why is the ceiling so high?
a children's sermon based on Psalm 139, with ties to Luke 21:5-19

Why is the ceiling so high in the church? ...maybe they ran out of money and couldn't finish it by putting a regular ceiling in? .... could it be so there was more air in the sanctuary to breath? .... maybe it was so they could put that big cross up on the wall ? (point to the cross) Well, the real reason the ceiling is so high might surprise you.

We have high ceilings because we want there to be room for God in the sanctuary. People have believed for a long long time that God is in that space above us and that is why we have so much space up there because God is big enough to fill all that space. OK, now what if there was no church, no high ceilings, for God to be in? Where would God be then? Would God not be with us if say... we worshipped Him outside?

Lets look at Psalm 139 for an answer.........

Psalms 139:7-10 Where can I go from your Spirit? Where can I flee from your presence. If I go up to the heavens, you are there; if I make my bed in the depths, you are there. If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the sea, even there your hand will guide me, your right hand will hold me fast.

Hmmm... I guess God is always with us..... and He never leaves us. It is neat to think about God as always with us even when we are not in church. But remember when we are in church the ceilings are so high to remind us God is here.

Johnny Apple-seed
Isaiah 65, but may tie in to Luke 21
Joy in Atl.

I'm going to take some apple seeds, a little container of dirt and some water. I'll tell the children I'm hungry and I want a snack. I've brought along some things to fix my snack but it may take awhile to prepare it.

Then I'll take out the seeds, ask them if they know what they are, plant them, water them and then wait a bit. We'll talk about waiting -- how long does it take for an apple tree to grow and bear fruit? No!, if you want to eat an apple you go to the store and buy apples that come from trees somebody planted 10-20 years ago!

They planted those trees a long time ago and we eat the fruit now! Whoever planted those trees had "Vision." Vision is when someone has a plan for the future and they work toward it now. Vision is when someone believes that what they do now can create something beautiful and wonderful a long time from now.

We'll talk a little bit about Johnny Appleseed who had a vision of planting apple trees all over the land, and people are still eating apples that come from trees that come from seeds from the apples, etc..... He just went around planting the seeds, and so many people have enjoyed those apples! He had vision! If no one ever planted trees but just planned to get their apples from the store, then there'd be no apple trees!

We need to have "vision" to plan for what we want the world to look like. If we want there to be lots of kindness in the world, like God tells us, then we have to "plant" little seeds of kindness everywhere! If we want there to be no more hunger in the world, then we have to help feed hungry people.



A kids' talk based on 2 Thessalonians 3:6-13
by Rev. Frank Schaefer

Props: optional: pictures of working people (e.g. plumber, secretary, teacher, nurse, police officer, fire-fighter, pilot, etc.)

Welcome, my little  friends.  Today, I want to talk to you about work.  Does anybody do any work around your house or in the yard?     What about homework?  Do you like work?  What do you like about it?    What don't you like about it?

Work is a strange thing, because it's not always fun, it can be really hard.  But when our work is done we often feel good about it.  When I mow the grass, for instance, it's a lot of work, and my body may actually hurt a little, but when I see how beautiful the cut grass looks, I feel good about my work.

The truth is that if we would lay on our backs all day long, just watching TV or just do fun things we'd get bored after a while.  God made us so we can have both fun and work in our lives.  And play time never is more fun when we've done all our chores and homework, right?

Do you guys already know what kind of work you want to do when you grow up?  [Skip to next paragraph if you don't have pictures prepared]. Look at these pictures of people with different jobs.  If you don't already know what kind of work you may want to do maybe you will get an idea from these pictures (show pictures and explain). 

Allow the kids to share a little about their dream job.

You know, God has a job for all of you, a special calling for a particular job that you can do well and that you will have fun doing.  It's just sometimes hard to figure out what it is that we're called to do.  So, how do you feel about praying for God's help with finding out what we're supposed to do.

Let's pray: "Dear God, thank you for making all of us with talents and abilities to do your work here on earth.  Thank you for having a calling on each of your children.  We do need your help, Lord, to figure out what it is we're called to do. Please help us understand that job you have in mind for each of us.     Amen."