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Choose from the following Children's Sermons:

  • Be an Angel, Luke 20:27-38, by Rev. Frank Schaefer

  • God's Teachers Make us Strong, 2 Thess 2:1-5, 13-17
    by Rev. Frank Schaefer



Be an Angel
a children's sermon based on Luke 20:27-38
by Rev. Frank Schaefer

Props: pictures and/or figurines portraying angels

Greetings my little friends,  today I thought we could talk about angels.

Do you believe there are angels?  Can you see them?  What do they look like?  (Show your pictures/figurines) like this...or like this? What do angels do?   Did any of you ever see an angel?

Jesus once said in heaven people are going to be like angels. What do you think that's going to be like?  Do you think we'll be able to fly?  What else?

Often in the bible, angels are God's messengers.  They take messages to people--messages from God to a person. Like the angel that appeared to Mary and told her that she would have a child.

In that way, you and I can already be like angels. We can take God's message of love and forgiveness to people. We are not angels yet--at least I know I'm not.  But we can act like angels if we bring the good news about Jesus to other people.    What is the good news all about?  That Jesus came to save us, not punish us. That God loves us and cares for us; that God wants us to live with him forever.

So, let us thank God that we will be like angels one day; but let us also ask him to help us be like a messenger for him already: "Dear God, thank you for loving us, for forgiving our sins, for making us your children, and for your promise that one day we'll be like angels.  Help us to b like angels already, help us to share your message of love and forgiveness with others. Amen."

God's Teachers Make us Strong
a children's sermon based on 2 Thess 2:1-5, 13-17
by Rev. Frank Schaefer

"So then, brothers and sisters, stand firm and hold fast to the traditions that you were taught by us, either by word of mouth or by our letter." 2Thessalonians 2:15

Greetings, my little friends, one of today's bible reading is from a letter that the apostle Paul wrote to the church a long time ago.  And in his letter he says that we can be confident, that we can live with faith in our hearts without getting timid or afraid.  And do you know why (don't wait for answer)? Because of our teachers!

Paul is talking about teachers of the faith, teachers of God's word.  Who are the teachers in our church?  (have the kids identify and name their Sunday School teachers and pastors, etc.) And don't forget your mom and dad, your grandma and grandpa; they have been teaching you a lot about God too.

That's right.  These are all people that help us understand God and our faith better.  So we should thank them for their awesome work.  Because of our teachers, Paul says, we can be confident and face the future with a strong faith in God.

So, let us pay close attention to what our teachers of faith are saying in Sunday school class or anywhere else, because they help us make our faith stronger and stronger.  Let us say thanks to God for our teachers right now:

Dear heavenly Father, we give you thanks for those who teach us about you and who help us get strong in faith.  Help us to pay attention when they speak so that our faith becomes so strong that not even a mighty storm or earthquake could scare us. Amen."