Lift Every Voice and Sing (first lesson and gospel lesson)
Take My Life And Let It Be consecrated (first lesson and gospel lesson)
All Things Come From Thee (first lesson and gospel lesson)
All Who Love And Serve Your City (first lesson and gospel lesson)
What Does the Lord Require (first lesson and gospel lesson)
Bless Thou the Gifts (first lesson and gospel lesson)
What Gift Can We Bring (first lesson and gospel lesson)
For the Healing of the Nations (first lesson and gospel lesson)
God of the Sparrow, God of the Whale (first lesson and gospel lesson)
Cuando El Pobre (first lesson and gospel lesson)
Hope of the World (first lesson and gospel lesson)
The Lord's Prayer (epistle lesson)
Sweet Hour Of Prayer (epistle lesson)
Hear Us O God (epistle lesson)
This Is Our Prayer (epistle lesson)
Just As I Am (epistle lesson)
As the Deer Panteth For the Water (first lesson and gospel lesson)
Make Me A Servant (first lesson and gospel lesson)
Humble Thyself in the Sight of the Lord (first lesson and gospel lesson)
If My People Called By My Name (first lesson and gospel lesson)
Glorify Thy Name in All the Earth (first lesson and gospel lesson)
Hear My Prayer, o Lord (epistle lesson)
The Family Prayer Song [As for Me And My House] (epistle lesson)