Choose from 2 children's sermons:
- Praying is . . .Talking with God, Luke 11:1-13 (see below)
- Faithfulness, Hosea 1:2-10 (please
scroll down)
Praying is . .
.Talking with God
a children's sermon based on Luke 11:1-13
by Rev. F. Schaefer
Props: ask a person from your congregation to speak the
voice of God. Have this person hide somewhere in the sanctuary (behind the lectern, in the
organ pit, etc.) and have them talk with you via a microphone.
Greet the children and tell them today's lesson is about prayer.
Ask them what kind of things Christians pray for (thanksgiving, praise, confession, for
own needs, for others' needs ...).
Ask them if they know the Lord's prayer, then pray it with them.
Pause after the first line ("Our Father who art in Heaven") and have the voice
of God answer: "yes, my child, what's on your heart?"
Act surprised and say: "God? . . . Is this really you?"
God: "yes, of course! You called me, remember?"
You: "But, I was just teaching the children to pray the Lord's . . .your
Son's . . .prayer. I didn't really expect you to . . .answer, I guess."
God: "you mean, you actually want to pray without talking to me?"
You (confused): "um, I guess I was...sorry. But, you're right, praying
is talking with you, isn't it, God?"
God: "You got it! Now, tell that to the children...and tell them that I
love them, each and every one of them!"
You: "Amen"
God: "Talk to you soon--I hope."
a children's sermon based on Hosea 1:2-10
by Rev. Frank Schaefer
props: a ring or a wedding band
It's so good to see all of you, my little friends. Today I would
like to talk about a big word: "Faithfulness." And I brought something
that perhaps demonstrates faithfulness more than any other symbol. (Show the wedding
band) Do you know what it is? Of course you do, it's a ring, a wedding band.
And how do you think a ring stands for faithfulness? When a man
loves a woman and wants to be with her for ever and ever, what does he do? That's
right, he gives her a ring. That's called engagement.
With this ring he gives her, he promises to be faithful to her forever.
Being faithful is all about being there for someone and never to leave them.
By giving her a ring, this man is saying: I will love you forever, and I will stay
with you forever.
Look at the shape of this ring. What form does it have?
What's that called? A square? No. That's right, it's a circle.
Is there an end to a circle? Do you see a point where this ring ends?
That's right, there is no end to a ring. And that's why we use a ring to
promise our loved ones that we will be faithful to them forever. Just as the ring
has no end, we are saying to them, our love for them will never end.
You know, God has promised to be faithful to us too. God has given
us the symbol of the the circle and the ring to remind us that His love for us will never
end. God is saying to us too: "I will love you forever. There is no place
you can go where I will not be with you. There is nothing you can do, not even the
worst sin, that can stop my love for you." That's an awesome promise, isn't it?
So, what do think? If God loves us so much and promises to be
faithful to us, should we be faithful to him too? That's right.
God wants us to be faithful to him as well. Just like the ring of love has no
end, God wants us to love him forever as he also loves us forever. And that means
that God wants us to learn more about him (reading bible / going to church or Sunday
School), to talk with him (pray), to give offerings to him (tithes), and to share his love
with others.
Let us pray: "Dear God, we thank you for giving us the symbol of the
ring which shows us that some things never end, like your love for us. Help us
to be faithful to you, help us to always love you and do the things that are pleasing in
your sight. Amen."