Lift Every Voice and Sing
The Church's One foundation
Christian People Raise Your Song
O God of Every Nation
This is the Feast of Victory
God, our Provider
My Help Comes From the Lord (First Lesson)
A Mighty Fortress is Our God (First Lesson)
God Will Take Care of You (First Lesson)
His Eye is on the Sparrow (First Lesson)
Behold the Savior of Mankind (First Lesson)
Jesus, Savior, Pilot Me (First Lesson)
Christ, Mighty Savior (First Lesson)
My Hope is in the Lord (First Lesson)
Lived-Out Discipleship
Art Thou Weary? (Epistle)
Dear Lord and Father of Mankind (Epistle)
I Have Decided To Follow Jesus (Epistle)
Where He Leads Me I Will Follow (Epistle)
I'll Live For Him (Epistle)
Must Jesus Bear the Cross Alone (Epistle)
Jesus Calls Us (Epistle)
Footsteps of Jesus (Epistle)
Stepping in the Light (Epistle)
A Call to Active Faith
Give Me the Faith Which Can Remove (Gospel)
Faith of Our Fathers (Gospel)
Let Us Plead for Faith Alone (Gospel)
Faith, Faith, God's Faith (Gospel)
Spirit of Faith, Come Down (Gospel)
Ye Who Claim the Faith of Jesus (Gospel)
Jehova Jireh, My Provider
Jesus Never Fails
Come Everyone Who is Thirsty
As the Deer
I Want to be like Jesus
Higher Ground
Lord, I believe in You
O to be like Thee
I want to be like Jesus