Precious Lord, Take My Hand (Gospel)
Love Lifted Me (Gospel)
Savior Like a Shepherd Lead Us (Gospel)
'Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus (Gospel)
I Will Trust in the Lord (Gospel)
Give Me the Faith Which Can Remove (Gospel)
Let Us Plead for Faith Alone (Gospel)
Faith, Faith, God's Faith (Gospel)
Spirit of Faith, Come Down (Gospel)
Ye Who Claim the Faith of Jesus (Gospel)
I Love to Tell the Story (Epistle Lesson)
Savior of the Nations, Come (Epistle Lesson)
Tell Me the Stories of Jesus (Epistle Lesson)
We've a Story to Tell to the Nations (Epistle Lesson)
Tell Out, My Soul (Epistle Lesson)
Go, Tell It on the Mountain (Epistle Lesson)
God Will Take Care of You (First Lesson)
His Eye is on the Sparrow (First Lesson)
Behold the Savior of Mankind (First Lesson)
Thy Holy Wings, O Savior (First Lesson)
Jesus, Savior, Pilot Me (First Lesson)
Christ, Mighty Savior (First Lesson)
Jehova Jira, my Provider
Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus
Almighty, Most Holy God
Shout to the Lord
All Things Are Possible
For God So Loved The World
Ain't No Rock
Step By Step
I Will Call Upon The Lord
Hymn of the Week:
Let Us Plead for Faith Alone (Gospel Lesson)
1. Let us plead for faith alone, faith which by our works is shown; God it
is who justifies, only faith the grace applies.
2. Active faith that lives within, conquers hell and death and sin, hallows
whom it first made whole, forms the Savior in the soul.
3. Let us for this faith contend, sure salvation is the end; heaven already
is begun, everlasting life is won.
4. Only let us persevere till we see our Lord appear, never from the Rock
remove, saved by faith which works by love.