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Please choose from the following children's sermons:

  • Names,  Genesis 32:22-31, by Rev. Randy L. Quinn
  • Sharing And Multiplication, Mt. 14:13-21 
    by Rev. Frank Schaefer



a children's sermon based on Genesis 32:22-31
by Rev. Randy L. Quinn


Do any of you know what your name means?

Most of our names come from other languages and mean something. In the old days, that meaning was important. It helped you know what you would be when you grew up. And if you did something really special, you might even get a new name that reminded people of what you did.

(I checked the meanings of a few children who are likely to be in church today and will tell them what I know – or more accurately, what I remember.)

In our Bible story today, a man named Jacob gets a new name. Jacob was the name given to him when he was born. It meant “heal grabber.” He was a twin who was grabbing onto his brother’s heal when he was born. All his life, he was grabbing things, so the name seemed appropriate.

But in our story today he gets a new name. We’re not exactly sure what it means – there are several possible explanations – but I think it means “God will rule.”

Every time someone calls him by his new name, he remembers that God is the One who is in charge – no matter if he wants to grab something or not.

And all of his children and grandchildren call themselves by his new name – they share his new name. His new name is “Israel.”

We all have a name that we share, too. It’s “Christian.” And it means “like Christ.” Whenever we call someone a Christian or someone calls us a Christian, it’s a reminder that we are to live like Jesus lived and love like Jesus loved.

Let’s pray:

God, thank you for the name you have given us. Our names don’t always fit who we think we are, but we know the name you have given us is both a challenge and a promise that we will be like Jesus. Thank you for giving us the name “Christian”. Amen.

Sharing And Multiplication
a children's sermon based on Mt. 14:13-21 
by Rev. Frank Schaefer

You will need a loaf of bread and two baskets. (Have the baskets stacked, one inside the other and the loaf in the top one).

Lesson Objective: miracles can happen if we share with others.

Tell the children briefly about the miracle of the feeding of 5000 (or, really 15,000). Then ask: Do you think this miracle could have happened if the little boy hadn't shared his fish and bread (shake your head slightly to encourage the "no" answer)?

That's right, the miracle happened because one person shared what they had; or, actually, because a lot of people shared that day. Because, as people received a piece of bread they took some and passed it on to the people next to them. Same with the fish.

Now, I don't claim to be a miracle worker, but I thought we could re-enact what happened. I brought in a little loaf of bread. Do you think all of us could eat a little of it and still have left-overs? I don't know, but let's see what happens.

(Break the loaf in two pieces, take a little piece from one half yourself to eat, then pass it on to the child sitting next to you. Ask the kids to follow your example (you may want to help the smaller kids). In the end (if the loaf was big enough in comparison with the number of children) it will appear as if there is more bread, because the bread crumbs take more space than the compact loaf. Even your second basket may be filled a little.

Point out that there appears to be just as much bread than what you started with even though we all ate a piece. Correlate this to how sharing what we have can bring forth a miracle by God. God wants us to share what we have so that all can be satisfied and no-one needs to go hungry...