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Choose from the following Children's Sermons:

  • Lead us Not Into Temptation, Luke 4:1-13
    by Rev. Frank Schaefer   (see below)

  • Right and Wrong  Luke 4:1-13             
    by Rev. Frank Schaefer   (see below)



Lead us Not Into Temptation
a children's sermon based on  Luke 4:1-13
by Rev. Frank Schaefer

Props: a bag of candy (tootsie rolls, etc)

Pick an attentive child and show him/her your bag of candy. Do you like this kind of candy?  What would you be willing to do for it? Could you be tempted to do something bad?  For instance, if I said, you can have the whole bag if you play a trick on someone (toilet paper somebody's car, spray silly string into someone's face, place a whoopee cushion on somebody's chair), would you do it?  Are you sure?  What if I would promise you two bags?  What's your price?  Could you be tempted at all?

Well, as you may have guessed, to day's lesson is on temptation.   Just as I tried to feel you out to see if you could be tempted, Jesus was tempted by the devil.  The devil was dangling all kinds of things in front of Jesus and basically said: you can have all these things if you worship me.

What do think, Jesus told him?  That's right, he told him to take a hike.  Actually, Jesus quoted Scripture at the devil.  He said: "it is written that you shall worship God alone, and nobody else."  And when the devil saw that he couldn't tempt Jesus, he  left him alone.

Jesus was tempted, and even though he didn't give into the temptations by the devil, Jesus knew that temptation was hard for people.  That's why he taught us to pray: "Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil."

What do you think?  Do we need to pray that prayer?  I think you are right.  How about praying it right now:

"Dear God, there are so many temptations around us.  Lead us not into temptation, Lord; but if we should be tempted, please help us how to say "no" to the temptation. Amen."

Hand out the candy after the prayer!



Right and Wrong                   
based on Luke 4:1-13             
by Rev. Frank Schaefer             

Props: you may want to use a little figurine of an angel and some figurine representing a tempting voice (figurine with horns and pitchfork?)

Good morning my fine little friends.  Today, I brought two little figurines with me.  Who can tell me what they are?

That's right, one is an angel and one is a little devil figurine.  When I was growing up, my mom explained the facts of life to me.  She said when you feel temptation, it's like an angel is sitting on one shoulder and a little devil on the other (demonstrate by holding the figurines on your shoulders).

Consider presenting the following in a dramatic manner (or just share without dramatization):

Imagine you're on the playground and it's getting dark and your mom told you that you need to be home before dark.

Now, what would the angel on your shoulder whisper to you?   That's right, the angel would say something like: "O.K., Bobbie, remember what mom said? You need to be home before dark.  Better get going."

And what do you think the little devil over here would say?   Something like: "Nah, stay a while.  You're going to miss all the fun, and besides, Johnny is still here."

And perhaps, the little angel would say: "don't you know that mom gets worried?"

And the little devil would say: "Nah, she probably doesn't even realize it's getting dark."

Whose voice do you listen do?  The angel's voice who tells you to do the right thing? Or the little devil's voice who tells you to do the wrong thing?

You may not want to answer that question now, you're parents are listening =)

I'm pretty sure that all of us have a good side and a bad side.   And sometimes the bad side wins and we make a mistake.

One day, when Jesus went into the wilderness, he was tempted too.   He heard the voice of the devil telling him to to the wrong thing.  Do you think Jesus listened to the devil? (shake your head to encourage the no-answer).

You're absolutely right.  Jesus did not listen to the devil.   He did the right thing.  And Jesus wants you and me to do right and not wrong.   What do you think, can we all try to listen to the voice of the angel and ignore the voice of the devil?

We can certainly try and ask God to help us do that.  Let's ask God for help right now.

Prayer: "Dear God, help us to avoid doing wrong and help us always to do right.  Just like Jesus, we don't want to listen to the devil's voice.   Help us God to do good.  Amen."