Call to Worship (based on Psalm 1)
L: Happy are those who do not follow the advice of the wicked, or take the
path that sinners tread, or sit in the seat of scoffers;
P: But their delight is in the law of the LORD, and on his law they
meditate day and night.
L: They are like trees planted by streams of water, which yield their fruit in
its season,
P: And their leaves do not wither. In all that they do, they prosper.
L: For the LORD watches over the way of the righteous, but the way of the
wicked will perish.
Call to Worship
by Rev. Frank Schaefer
L: We gather to worship the Everlasting Father
P: Praise be to the King of the Universe
L: God will establish in us roots of faith.
P: We shall be be like trees planted by the water
L: He who began a good work within us
P: Will be faithful to complete it.
L: Come, let us worship God!
The light and love of God who wonderfully made you, who graciously redeemed
you, who calls you each by name, be with you all.
And also with you.
Let us pray. Lord God, mercifully receive the prayers of your people. Help
us to see and understand the things we ought to do, and give us grace and
power to do them; through your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.
Prayer based on all Lections:
Almighty God, you are a God of righteousness who calls us not
only to have faith, but to a life of faithfulness to the cause of Your
Kingdom. We thank you for the many guideposts you have given us--your
commandments, the word of the prophets, and the words of Jesus, who showed us
the ultimate way to you.
You ask us, empowered by your Holy Spirit, to make right
decisions and choose the more excellent way which often is the road less
traveled. By your Spirit give us grace to weep with those who are mourning, to
feed those who hunger and to share our riches with those who are poor. God of
love and righteousness, shine the light of the Gospel through us. All power
and glory be to you, almighty God, now and forevermore. Amen.
Prayer of Intercession
Encouraged by the radiant light of God revealed to us in Jesus Christ, let us
pray with boldness and confidence.
For the church in all the earth, that filled with the light of the
resurrection, we may proclaim the blessing of God upon all who hunger, thirst,
and suffer, and may work to ease their misery, let us pray to the Lord:
Hear us, O God, and show us your glory.
For the nations distressed by war and famine, violence and oppression, that
illumined by the light of God, they may be drawn into God's reign of peace and
justice, let us pray to the Lord:
Hear us, O God, and show us your glory.
For people who suffer from loneliness and isolation, that a door may be
opened to companionship and human warmth, let us pray to the Lord:
Hear us, O God, and show us your glory.
For the hungry, poor, grieving, and sick (especially), that they may enjoy
the embrace of God's blessing, be restored to wholeness, and be comforted by
God's people, let us pray to the Lord:
Hear us, O God, and show us your glory.
For the people of God in this place, that we may trust in the Lord and bloom
like a tree planted by water, giving comfort and life to our neighbors, let us
pray to the Lord:
Hear us, O God, and show us your glory.
In gratitude for those who have died in Christ (especially), that we find
inspiration from their lives and join with them in your resurrection to new
life, let us pray to the Lord:
Hear us, O God, and show us your glory.
Into you r hands, great God of heaven, we lay our prayers, trusting in your
mercy through the one who showed us your face, Jesus Christ, our Lord.
Prayer for Illumination
O God, you made of one blood all nations and, by a star in the
East, revealed to all peoples him whose name is Emmanuel. Enable us who know
your presence with us so to proclaim his unsearchable riches that all may come
to his light and bow before the brightness of his rising, who lives and reigns
with you and the Holy Spirit, now and for ever. Amen.
Closing Prayer:
God of righteousness and God of grace, teach us always to live in agreement
with your Holy Word which you have written in the laws of nature, in your holy
word by your prophets, and on our hearts and minds through the power of your
Holy Spirit. While we journey through this temporal life, give us the
strength to do your will and to keep your commandments.
Help us to avoid vanity, pettiness and unfruitful pursuits, but enable us
to build our lives upon the rock of Christ, Jesus, your Son, who is your
Living Word in this life and in eternity, in whose precious name we pray.
Closing Prayer
O God, nourish us in life so that we, your people, may bear the fruits of
justice and peace to our communities and to our world. Amen