Choose from the following Children's Sermons:
The Fishing Pond, Gospel lesson,
by Rev. Frank Schaefer
Fishers of People, Gospel lesson,
Latino in Wyoming
Giving God Attention, Isaiah 6:1-8,
by Rev. Frank Schaefer
The Fishing Pond
by Rev. Frank Schaefer
Props: rope, paper people with paper clips, rod and line
with magnet hook at the end
Set up a "fishing pond" with the rope and put paper cut-out people in the
area. Add a paper clip to each, then make a fishing pole with a magnet "hook."
Allow children to fish for people.
Ask the children why they think Jesus asked us to fish for people. You may
say that they would otherwise drown in the water. What does the water look like
in which people drown? Perhaps their problems, their sin... We need to help
them out of the water
Ask them what that really looks like: fishing for people. Suggestions:
telling them about Jesus-- his love, forgiveness of sins, and how God can help
us with our problems, etc.
Prayer: "Dear Jesus, help us to be the fisher of people we can be. Help us
to say the right things to people, help us to share with our friends about your
love and about salvation. Amen."
of People
idea by Latino in Wyoming, developed further by F. Schaefer
Props: a small net or
net-like material (perhaps an afghan).
Use your own words to re-tell the story of Jesus calling his
first disciples. When you get to the Jesus' job description, "I will make you
fishers of men (persons)..."GENTLY throw the net on top of some of the children
and yell: "I got some, I got some."
Tell them: "I'm just doing what Jesus said his disciples should
do." Ask: "do you think this is what Jesus meant?" What did he mean by fishing
for people?" That's right, you're absolutely right! Fishing for people doesn't
mean to use fishing rods or nets to catch them--how silly of me.
But what does it look like to fish for people?
to invite them to church
to make connections with people, be their friend and helper
to share about our faith with others in such a way that they
may start praying and believing too.
Prayer: "Dear God, please help us to be good fishers of
people. We want to be good examples of your love and your care to our
classmates, neighbor kids and friends. Thank your for sending Jesus like a
light into this dark world. We pray for all those who are suffering hunger and
hard times and ask you to bring peace and love to them. Amen."
Giving God
based on Isaiah 6:1-8
by Rev. Frank Schaefer
Props: none
This morning I have a question I
thought you can help answer. And the question is: "How do you get someone else's
(Consider presenting the following in a dramatic, humorous way)
How do you get your brother's/sister's attention, for instance? --
call their name, and if they don't pay attention yell: "helloooooo!"
Or what about your friends? How do you get their attention?
-- I guess the cool way to do it is to yell: Yo! Hey!
What about your teacher's attention? --
Can you yell: "dude" to get your teacher's attention? You
could, but then you could be in trouble. We can also get a teacher's attention
by misbehaving. But that's not the kind of attention we want. How about raising
your hand or calling them by their last name?
How do you get your parents' attention? --
Shout "mom!" or dad!" Or if we want something from them,
we may be on our best behavior and do extra nice things, and then ask a favor.
Often, we get our parents' attention without actually having to call them.
Somehow, they know when we're hurt, sad, or have a problem.
How do your parents get your attention? What do they call you?
-- (let the children share. Some will perhaps be called by a nick name, or
insome unusual way)
What about when you don't listen, or you when you get into trouble,
how do your parents get your attention then? --
(let the children share)
How can we get God's attention? What can we do to get God's
attention? -- I'll give you a clue, we do some
of it here in church: pray, sing praise songs, help/serve others...
One more question: how do you think God gets our attention?
-- by things that happen to us, good and bad. By the joy we feel when we help
someone. Through the words in the bible. By the peace and joy we feel in our
hearts when we pray. Through a sermon or children's sermon. Sometimes, we even
hear a still voice inside us; sometimes, and we just know it's God's voice.
Our bible lesson is about a man, Isaiah, who heard God's voice like that. He
got a calling by God. Isaiah heard God tell him to become a prophet (that's
somewhat like a pastor). And God had Isaiah's attention. And what do you think
Isaiah said? Did he say: "awesome, dude?" No, he said:" God, I cannot do this.
I can't be a prophet, I'm not good enough." And God told him that He would
help him be a prophet and, so, with God's help Isaiah became one of the greatest
Would you do something God told you to do? I'm sure you would, especially if
God would help you do it. So, be ready when God wants to get your attention.
God may call you at any time to be his helper. So, we really need to pay
attention to God.
Let's pray: "Thank you God, for speaking to us in your own way. Help us
pay attention to what you are saying to us through the bible, a sermon, or in so
many other ways. We want to be ready to help you, God; help us to listen to
you. Amen."