Choose from the following children's sermons:
- Christianity in Action
a children's sermon based on 1 Corinthians 13:1-13
by Rev. Randy Quinn
- Love in Every
a children's sermon on Love 1 Corinthians
by Tom Hall and Frank Schaefer
Christianity in Action
a children's sermon based on 1 Corinthians 13:1-13
by Rev. Randy Quinn
Today I want to talk about something we all understand to some degree. I
want to talk about love.
Sometimes we say we “love chocolate,” sometimes we say we “love to play in
the snow,” sometimes we say we “love new clothes.” Have you ever said any of
those things?
In a way, that’s like looking in this mirror I’ve made (I have a piece of
cardboard wrapped in aluminum foil). This gives you a little bit of an idea of
what you look like, but it’s not quite the same as a regular mirror, is it? You
wouldn’t want to use this when you’re combing your hair, would you? You want a
REAL mirror for that.
When we say we “love” chocolate, or snow, it really isn’t the same as the
kind of love God has for us. It helps us understand it a little, but only a
We know about love from other things, too. Moms and Dads love their
children. Husbands and wives love each other. Brothers and sisters love each
other. And those relationships help us understand a little more about God’s
But the best way to know about God’s love is to listen to the stories of
Jesus. He came to teach us what love was all about. In fact, the Bible says
that God sent Jesus because God loves us (Jn 3:16)!
I’m glad I don’t need a use a mirror like this. And I’m glad to know what
love really looks like, too.
Let’s pray:
God, thank you for loving us. Thank you for showing us how to love. Thank
you for Jesus who helps us learn how we can love, too. Amen.
Love in Every
a children's sermon on Love (1. Cor 13)
by Tom Hall and Frank Schaefer
PROPS: No props necessary.
OBJECTIVE: To help children understand that God's idea of love is putting others first.
Good morning, my fine little friends! Guess what? We have a very good word to talk
about today. See if you can guess what it is. Im going to give you a quiz; see if
you can guess the word. If you think you know what word it is, just raise your hand.
Ready? Okay:
Everybody needs it.
It is a four letter word.
Country western songs talk a lot about it.
When your mom or dad tucks you into bed at night, he or she sometimes uses the word
when they say, "I ____ you very much."
Thats right! Love is the answer! How many of you love your mom and dad? Wow 100%!
But hold it! How many of you love . . . ice cream? Oh, oh - 100% again! In America we use
the same word to express our feelings for parents, ice cream, football, pets, and
recess-we love them all! Just about anybody would agree that everybody needs love.
The Bible also says that love is something very, very special and that we all need
it. O.k. are you ready for another little fun quizz? This time I will give you
different sayings about love ("love is...") and you have to guess whether they
are from the bible or not. If you think they're from the bible raise your hand.
Ready? Go:
1) Love is patient, love is kind
2) Love is blind.
3) Love cares more for others than for self.
4) Love isnt always "me first."
5) Love doesnt keep a list of whos naughty or nice.
6) First comes love, then comes marriage, then they come with the baby carriage!
7) Love looks for the best in others,
and always trusts God.
Cool, you guys did really well on this quizz. You pretty well know what Christian
love is all about. (To congregation--if they are used to this sort of thing): I
think they deserve a round of applause.
The bottom line is: when we love someone--even our pet--we don't think of ourselves
first, but we are concerned about others; we want to help them, to take care of them, to
make sure they are okay.
So maybe if all of us really try hard to love someone else, maybe love will help us to
solve our problems in the world. But it must start with you and me, right?
Lets pray: "Dear God we thank you for Love for us. For all the things
you have done for us, that you always care for us. You have given us a good example
of what Love looks like. You teach us that true Love puts others first. Help
us to love others like you love us. Amen."