Choose from the following Children's Sermons:
Many Members--One Body, 1Corinthians 12
Light Words, Psalm 19
God's Spirit is Upon Us, Luke 4:14-21
Heads and shoulders, knees and toes 1
Corinthians 12:12-31a
Words of the Law are sweeter than honey,
Psalm 19
Many Members--One Body
based on 1Corinthians 12
by Rev. Frank Schaefer
Scripture verse: "...there are many members, yet one body." 1Cor 12:20
Object: none
Good morning boys and girls. Today I want to continue last week's lesson.
Last week we talked about spiritual gifts God has given each and every one
of us and that we need to use our gifts. This week we will talk about unity.
Unity is when people are one, when they live together in peace and equality,
when they respect each other--even though they may have many differences.
St. Paul teaches us that a body has many parts and, yet, they all have to
work together in order to function as a body.
That's how it is in the church, too. We are many people and we are quite
different, aren't we? Just look out over the congregation and see what kind
of a mixed bunch we are. And yet, we are called to unity with one another.
And so, we all have to work together to work as one body. Everybody does
their part, everybody shares their talents and gifts with God and one another.
And can be so much fun to work together in church. What are some of the
things church people do for each other and God? (allow them to name a few
areas of ministry).
Let us pray: Lord, we thank you for your gracious gifts; we thank you for
your body--the church. Help us to live and work together in unity in our
church and in our neighborhood. Amen.
Light Words
Psalm 19
Rev. Tom Hall
Scripture verse: "Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my
Object: a children's bible, a flash light
Today I brought two things: a bible and a flash light. Both common things
that you can find in anybody's house. Who of you owns a flash light? (show
of hands) Who of you owns a bible? (show of hands). See, most of us do own
both. How many of you can read? Do you read your bible sometimes? How
many of you have someone else read from the bible to you?
The bible verse for today's children's sermon is: "[God's] Word is a lamp
unto my feet and a light unto my path." So, here we have these two things
mentioned too, bible and a light. Because the bible is another word for
"God's Word." (Repeat verse).
This verse is saying that the bible and a light--like this flash light--are
alike in some ways. Since a lot of you said in the beginning that you own a
flash light, I'm sure you know something about that. Here is the deal: you
tell me what a flash light is good for and I will try to explain how the bible
is used in a similar way.
So who can tell me what a flash light is good for? What can you do with a
flash light? (use table below to relate the two objects to one another)
Light Bible
see in the dark opens our eyes to
the truth
find out where you are teaches us that we are
lost w/out God
find your way ahead tells us about
salvation, how to get to heaven
to read under the blanket hmmm.... ??
used as pointing tool points out what is good
and what is bad for us
used for medical diagnosis teaches us that God cares
for us and heals us
You see, the bible is in some ways like a flash light. It helps us on our
journey through life to find our way. That's why we should read from it (or
have someone read from it to us) often, so that we can find our way to God and
avoid some "potholes" and obstacles on the way.
Let us pray: God we thank you for your word--the bible--which you have
given us to find our way to you. Help us remember how important the bible is
and help us remember to read it often, or to have someone read it to us.
God's Spirit is Upon Us
Luke 4:14-21
by Dp in DL
Have a variety of things...such as a hammer, a pot, a iron, etc... asking
what they are for...what is their purpose.
Then a mirror...what is our purpose? The spirit of the Lord is upon each of
us for ...... what is the purpose of God's Spirit being upon us?
Leading to the question...What is the purpose of God's Spirit upon each of
his children? Seems to me that the response is much the same as the Spirit was
upon Jesus...for service and more...
Heads and shoulders, knees and toes
1 Corinthians 12:12-31a
Rick in ND (aka pulpitt)
I'm going to share with the children that song we learned as small
children. "Heads, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes... Heads,
shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes... eyes and ears and mouth and nose,
Heads, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes..."
I'll talk about how it's important that we use those parts of our bodies to
communicate God's love with the world... what we say and do, where we go...
etc., etc.
Words of the Law are sweeter than honey
Psalm 19
by DSS
Some DPS commentator mentioned that Jewish boys at their bar mitzvahs will
place a drop of honey on the lectern before their reading to remind them that
the words of the Law are sweeter than honey (Psalm 19:10).
First I will let the children taste something bitter. We will talk about
how Scripture sometimes is hard to swallow. And we'll observe how the people
first wept and mourned when Ezra read the Scriptures to them.
But then with a sample of honey, we will taste and see that the Word of the
Lord is good.
And then we'll be sure to share the honey with the congregation...