Putting God First vs. Being a Worry Wart
Every time I read this passage, the catchy tune of Bobby McFerrin enters
my mind: "Don't Worry, Be Happy." Of course, that's easier said than done.
Our human fears and worries are deeply rooted and don't just disappear on command.
Jesus knows the secret to disperse our fears: faith--the certain knowledge that God
is watching out for us! He points out the generous provisions God makes for the
birds and the flowers and reminds us that God is even more concerned about our well-being.
So, put God first and your worries will subside and in its place will arise a
heartfelt gratitude toward a loving and caring God.
Imagine a worry-free life. What does that look like to you?
How would it be different from your life now? How much time and energy
do we actually waste by worrying and fussing? Could it be that worry/fear is the
opposite of an attitude of trust.
Expressing our trust. Why can
we trust God? What do we base our trusting attitude on? Can we
overcome an intrinsic feeling of distrust toward God and the world?
What are the benefits of a trusting attitude?
1) God has blessed us, provided for us, we're here to tell the story (and
our bellies do too).
2) Nature reveals God's provisions, love, and care for his creatures.
3) An attitude of trust replaces fear and worries and can be
maintained by seeking God first.
4) An attitude of trust may set us free / empower us to become
champions of God's purpose--care for the needy and poor ("seek ye first the kingdom
of God")