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Revelation 22:12-14, 16-17, 20-21              


BACKGROUND - Nearly the entire passage is a first person discourse from Jesus; what does Jesus tell us? 1) "Behold, I am coming soon! . . . " 2) he’s going to bring rewards based on how well we’ve lived; 3) self-pronounced titles; 4) a list of who’s in and who’s out of God’s New city; 5)several more self-designated titles; 6) an invitation centered around the word, "come;" 7) a warning to those who would add or subtract from the book; 8) a call and response closure-Jesus: Surely I am coming soon; John’s response: Amen. Come, Lord Jesus!; 9) John’s blessing to the reader.

IMMEDIATE RETURN? - There was, of course, a sense of the imminent return of Christ during John’s lifetime; this is nuanced in Jesus’ announcement that begins and closes our passage: "Behold, [or "see, " NRSV] I am coming soon." A delayed parousia emerged increasingly as the imminent return waned. But while the End was not precisely marked, Christians believed that whenever the End came, it would come with some sort of judgment.

EXECRATION - Interesting warning. Reminds me of the medieval scholars who used the same cursing format to ward off recalcitrant book borrowers:

For whomsoever that stealeth or borroweth and returneth not this book from its owner, let it change into a serpent in their hand and rend them. Let them be struck with palsy, and all their members blasted. Let them languish in pain, crying aloud for mercy, and let there be no surcease to this agony till they sigh in dissolution. Let bookworms gnaw their entrails . . . and when at last they goeth to their final punishment, let the flames of Hell consume them forever. [1]


As the final notes of Revelation sound out, a clear bell of invitation chimes: ‘Come!’ Whoever is thirsty, whoever is in need, whoever will accept the free gifts of the water of life is invited by the Spirit and the bride to simply ‘come.’ God awaits you with open hands-gentle, healing and life-giving hands. Read these words until you hear the invitation of God resound in you. Then go out and share the invitation with someone else who needs the gift of life. [2]


Why not begin by broaching the topic of the second coming? Share briefly different views of what the second coming is supposed to look like-will Christ return at the End like a lion or a lamb? Will he come in quietly, almost unnoticed or in an earth-shaking parade?

But now move the Revelation 22 and to the words of Jesus-lift up before the listeners his words. Notice what he says-but just as important, what he doesn’t say, e.g. specific, actionable information about his coming as much as his identity and promises and above all his welcoming invitation to all to come.

[1] A Passion for Books, Gen. Ed. Harold Rabinowitz and Rob Kaplan (New York: Random House, 1999), page 30.
[2] Spiritual Formation Bible  (Zondervan, 1999), page 1655.