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  • Click here for Ascension Day Scripture Commentary
Acts 1:15-17, 21-26                             


theological markers- Luke uses numbers to mark theological importance in his narrative. In this week’s lesson, for example, one twenty persons are present: such is, according to Jewish law, the amount of males required to form a synagogue with its own council. Already the disciples have enough people to form a legitimate community. [1] The number "twelve" also pops up. We know that Israel historically was 12 tribes; together they formed God’s people. Conversely 12-1 = incompletion, or a divided Israel and hence, God seeks to restore the twelve tribes through the election of Matthias. [2]

election protocol - In a sort of dice-throwing manner, Matthias becomes the 12th Apostle (1:26). How do we go about discerning leadership in our local congregations? The "protocol of discernment" in Matthias’ case almost seems on the level of backgammon-an interesting interplay between luck and discernment. Yet Paul’s claim to apostleship came through a "revelation," who had not accompanied the disciples "from the time he was baptized by John until the day he was taken from us . . . " (1:22). As NIB points out, "Different situations require different processes for selecting a congregation’s leaders. In every case, however, some institutional means for discerning God’s will is established to ensure that those selected are God’s choosing rather than of our own." [3]


What was your favorite board game as a child? Did it involve luck of the draw, taking risks, or strategy? What is your current game of choice? [4]

What ways/methods have you observed in the selecting leaders at your church: "she needs a job or she might loose interest," "pin the tail on the donkey," etc.

What was the role of Scripture, prayer, discussion, qualifications, etc. that led to the hiring of staff for your community of faith?


Review basic board games you enjoyed growing up. Talk about the role of chance in determining the outcome.

Shift to the text and name what seems to be some of that same kind of approach-the casting of lots. Do a quick check in Scripture as to how other leaders were selected-Samuel, Deborah, Gideon, Saul of Tarsus, etc.

Note the difference of leadership process following the Church’s birth at Pentecost: seems that a subtle change in the selection process begins to emerge.

Move back to the local congregation and "how we go about selecting leaders." You might conclude with a vision that draws from fresh discernment protocols.

[1] Interpretation Series: Acts (Atlanta: John Knox Press, 1988), page 23.
[2] The New Interpreter’s Bible X  (Nashville: Abingdon Press, 2002), page 48.
[3] Ibid, page 52.
[4] Question taken from Serendipity Bible (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1998), page 1518