The resurrection of Jesus is at the core of this Sundays lessons as we revisit
these faith-shaping stories. Taken together, we can imagine a church trying to make sense
of Christs resurrection and their transformative faith. How to describe this Life?
What precisely is the tradition that we want to pass on? In the first and gospel lessons,
we have an ancient proclamation embedded in narrative form. In the second lesson (1 John
3), we see a connection made between orthodoxy and orthopraxy, right belief connected to
right practice or living. Enjoy these fabulous texts!
Acts 3:12-19-Extraordinary Deed and Word
An astounding deed-the healing of an invalid beggar-prompts a second sermon by Peter
following Pentecost. This extraordinary deed occurs at the Beautiful Gate which was
located on the eastern side of the temple area. Peter cites the healed man to being and
raises and answers questions that such a phenomenon would doubtless have elicited. The
homily blends together as one the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob with the God who has
"brought glory to his servant Jesus." The main body of the address thumbnails
Christs passion as being part of a divine strategy unwittingly carried out "in
ignorance" by Jewish and Roman authorities, yet predicted by all the prophets. Our
lesson stops midway in the address at an appropriate point: "Now turn from your sins
and turn to God, so you can be cleansed of your sins."
1 John 3:1-7- His Child and Forever I Am
The writer continues to encourage fellowship with God through Jesus Christ by living
upright, moral lives; such behavior marks Christ-followers as Gods
"children." Just to be called "children" of God proves the great love
that God as a parent has toward those who follow Christ. Admittedly, this may be hard to
swallow by those outside the Christian community, the writer explains, but nevertheless
"such is already a reality among you" (1-2). Again, this exhorter appeals to
sinless living as the goal of those who have caught a vision of their savior. As Christ is
sinless, so who live in Christ should also reflect such sinless living. Good deeds flow
out of good fellowship with God and with his Son, Jesus Christ.
Luke 24:36b-48-"You Are Witnesses of These Things"
Two men who had been on the worlds first Emmaus walk have made a discovery! The
scene is similar to the unknown and conversant charioteer in the Bhagavad-Gita who speaks
truth to Arjuna as he is about to go into battle. The insightful driver is none other than
Lord Krishna himself. Such happens to the Emmaus two-the stranger has been Jesus
incognito! They rush back to tell the news and in the retelling, Jesus again appears with
"Peace be with you." In Thomas-like demonstration, Jesus proves to his disciples
his non-ghost qualities-he devours fish and honeycomb. Cringing fear turns to unspeakable
joy as their minds are opened and they understand the resurrection in light of Scripture.
Diehard witnesses were born on this day!