Most carols are appropriate for this Sunday
Special suggestions for this week based on the lectionary:
Spiritual Growth / Seeking God First
What Does the Lord Require
What Child is this?
The Voice of God is Calling
O Master, Let me Walk with Thee
New Humanity in Christ
Christ, Whose Glory Fills the Skies
Lord, Whose Love in Humble Service
O God of Every Nation
Lord, whose Love through Humble Service
God's Calling to Service
Come Christian Friends Rejoice
Go, tell it on the Mountain
Forth In Thy Name, O Lord, I Go
All Who Love and Serve Your City
In His Time
Something Beautiful, Something Good
Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus
Seek Ye First the Kingdom of God
You Are the Wine, We Are the Branches
Make Me A Servant
Hymn of the Week:
Jesus, Lord, We Look to Thee
by Charles Wesley
Jesus, Lord, we look to thee; let us in thy name agree; show thyself the Prince of Peace,
bid our strife forever cease.
2. By thy reconciling love every stumbling block remove; each to each unite, endear; come,
and spread thy banner here.
3. Make us of one heart and mind, gentle, courteous, and kind, lowly, meek, in thought and
word, altogether like our Lord.