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Colossians :12-17                                      


QUALITIES OF THE NEW HUMANITY - Having stripped off the old humanity-behaviors, paradigms, and attitudes-the writer urges five specific replacements (3:12): [1]

Compassion = deep heartfelt empathy for situations of others

Kindness = active consideration for other’s interests / needs

Humility = counting others better than oneself (based on a proper sense of self-worth)

Gentleness = entails courtesy and respect; willingness to waive rights rather than concerned about personal gain

Patience = ability not to become frustrated and enraged and to make allowances for others’ shortcomings

ON FORGIVENESS - Forgiveness is not the overlooking or absorbing of hurt that comes from a weak sense of our own selves. Those who are exhorted are first reminded of the identity they have been given as a result of God’s calling . . . Knowing oneself to be loved b y God in Christ provides the proper sense of self and the source for relating in forgiving love to others (3:13). [2]

LUTHER ON CHRISTIAN GROWTH - . . . the text quoted says we should be kind, but it does not say we are kind. We are tending toward it, we are in a state of progression; but during the progress much of the old and as yet untransformed nature is intermingled. [3]


In buying clothes, are you a designer-shopper? Bargain hunter? Quality conscious? Store-sensitive (You got that at Kmart?) Could care less? [4]

Which aspect of your self apart from Christ feels like a comfortable old T-shirt to you now? Why is it difficult to shed or remove it? With what piece of Christ’s wardrobe would you like to replace it?


This lesson is so full of a variety of encouragement to live fully the new humanity, you may feel the need to choose specific virtues from the list-forgiveness, agape, for example, or focus on the Word of Christ dwelling with and our response. I know that at least one proclaimer has preached on the singing heart-felt praise to God through psalms, hymns, and sacred songs.

Should you want to connect this to the first lesson and the gospel lesson, then you’ll want to see this passage as specific ways that we too can grow as we hear of Samuel and Jesus, both of whom grew in spirit and wisdom.

[1] The New Interpreter’s Bible XI (Nashville: Abingdon Press, 2000), page 650.
[2] Ibid, page 650.
[3] Martin Luther, The Complete Sermons of Martin Luther, Vol. 4 (Baker, 2000), page 84.
[4] Adapted from Serendipity Bible (Zondervan, 1998), page 1640.