Call to Worship (based on Psalm 126)
L: When the LORD restored the fortunes of Zion, we were like those who dream.
P: Then our mouth was filled with laughter, and our tongue with shouts of joy; then it
was said among the nations, "The LORD has done great things for them."
L: The LORD has done great things for us, and we rejoiced.
P: Restore our fortunes, O LORD, like the watercourses in the Negeb. May those who sow
in tears reap with shouts of joy.
L: Those who go out weeping, bearing the seed for sowing, shall come home with shouts of
joy, carrying their sheaves.
Call to Worship
L: Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.
P: For the Lord, our God is coming to us!
L: Tell the poor, gather the lowly.
P: For the Lord, our God is coming to us!
L: The trees of the fields and all nature are awaiting eagerly the redemption of the
P: For the Lord, our God is coming to us!
L: Let us praise the God of our salvation. Let us hail God's Anointed One with shouts
of joy. Let us worship God!
A Prayer of Confession
O Lord our God, good and merciful, I acknowledge all my sins which
I have committed every day of my life, in thought, word and deed; in
body and soul alike. I am sincerely sorry that I have offended you,
and I truly repent. I humbly ask you, O Lord: by your great mercy
forgive me all my past transgressions and absolve me from them. I
firmly resolve, with the help of your Holy Spirit, to amend my way of
life with the goal to sin no more; that I may walk in the way of the
righteous and offer praise and glory to the Name of the Father, Son,
and Holy Spirit. Amen.
Advent Prayer for Renewal:
As the fulfillment of our hope draws near, let us raise our heads
and lift our voices in prayer for the church, the world, and all
according to their need.
God our salvation, fill the hearts of all the baptized with
thanksgiving, that we may make known your mighty deeds and proclaim
your exalted name with voices that never waver and hands that never
grow tired. O God, whose advent is near,
Hear us and renew us with your love.
Help us to repent of smugness, leaving behind the attitude that we
are better than others by virtue of our religion, nationality, or
social standing. Bring us instead to rely only on you, and to open
ourselves to works of charity. O God, whose advent is near,
Hear us and renew us with your love.
Guide the nations of the earth toward the fulfillment of your will,
that all people may enjoy peace, justice, and daily bread. Put an end
to the violence and warfare, and overcome the powers that advance evil
in your creation. O God, whose advent is near,
Hear us and renew us with your love.
Give your peace, which surpasses all understanding, to all those
who suffer from illness of mind, body, or spirit (especially). Fill
our Hearts with compassion that we may be the hands and feet of Christ
to all who long for healing. O God, whose advent is near,
Hear us and renew us with your love.
Shape the mission and ministry of this parish, that bearing fruits
worthy of repentance we may give clothing to those in need of it, food
to the hungry, and hope to all who come searching for peace. O God,
whose advent is near,
Hear us and renew us with your love.
Gather all your saints as wheat into the granary, where we may join
with all who have lived lives of faith knowing that the Lord is coming
soon. O God, whose advent is near,
Hear us and renew us with your love.
Hear our prayers, mighty God, as we rejoice in your reign already
revealed, and long for the peace, justice, and love yet to dawn,
through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Prayer based on all Lections
God of Life and Joy, on this third day of Advent we joyfully celebrate
your certain promise of the new world to come. We rejoice in anticipation of the
your servant Isaiah's vision that calls for wasteland to be turned into fruitful and
blossoming land. We shout for joy, exalting you with all your heart. For
"we shall obtain joy and gladness, and sorrow and sighing shall flee away."
Help us prepare our hearts for the coming of Christ, our Lord, the light
of the world. Illuminate our waiting and watching, our praying, thinking and our acting
with the light of the gospel so that we may produce the fruit of patience. We need
the spirit of patience in our lives, the spiritual source of all joyful hope.
O God, giver of inexplicable joy, bless the church of Christ that we may
celebrate aright the incarnation of your love in the person of Jesus. May the whole
world recognize the healing and saving ministry of Christ through us as we reach out to a
world filled with dark shadows. Amen.
Lighting The Third Candle Of The Advent Wreath
General Introduction (may be repeated each week) Our Advent Wreath reminds
us of the approaching celebration of Jesus' birth
* the evergreen leaves remind us that God's love is everlasting
* the round wreath symbolizes God's eternal love
* the light of the candles stands for the light which Jesus brought into a dark world.
Each Sunday in Advent another of the candles in the circle is lit. The Christ candle is
lit at midnight on Christmas Eve (or on Christmas Day if no Christmas Eve service).
Scripture Reading: Isaiah 35:10
Responsive Reading for 3rd. Advent:
L: We light this candle as a symbol of Christ our Joy
P: May the joyful promise of your presence, O God, make us rejoice in our hope of
L: May the Joy of Christ fill our hearts and minds
P: May the joy of our salvation spread to our neighbors and our
communities until all the world chimes into our shouts of praise.
Hymn: "Joy to the World" or other Advent song
Advent Reading for 3rd Advent:
Third Week: WATCH . . .
Why do we watch? Because the weather of our hearts is frosty . . Because
night's dimness makes knowledge rare . .
Why do we watch? Because three candles make a small glow . . Because one
star brightens the firmament . . .
Why do we watch? Because the stars themselves are watching . . . Because
the sun and moon are eclipsed . . .
Why do we watch? We watch for the world's hope . . We watch for the Star .
. .
(Third Verse of "People, Look East") Stars keep the watch, when
night is dim, one more light the bowl shall brim, shining beyond the frosty weather,
bright as sun and moon together. People look east and sing today: Love, the Star, is on
the way.