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Choose from the following children's sermons:



What Will The Future Bring?
a children's sermon based on the Mark and Isaiah lessons
by Rev. Frank Schaefer

  props: none

Greetings, my dear little friends, today I would like to talk to you about the future.  The future, of course, is about what will happen tomorrow, or the day after tomorrow, or next week, or next month, or next year.

What is your feeling about the future?  Do you think things will be better?  Or will they get worse? Do you think that one day people will come to their senses and live together in peace and share what they have?  Or will there be more wars and bombings, more hunger, and crimes? (Allow the kids to share)

Now, some people think that there will be terrible disasters and wars and everything;  these people believe that the whole planet earth, as we know it will be destroyed.  Other people think that things will get better in the future; that finally we will be able to solve all the world's problems; that no one needs to go hungry anymore; that there will be peace, and joy, and people getting along.   And some people think that first things will get better ("thousand year reign of Christ"), but then they may get really bad again.

Does that kind of talk scare you, or does it worry you?  Well, you should not let it worry you, because what all of our Scripture lessons this morning have in common is that no matter what happens, God is in control of the future.  And what else they have in common is God's promise that things will be better in the future--in fact, they will be a lot better.

You may quote or paraphrase some of the hopeful elements from the lections, such as...

Be up and awake to what God is doing! God is putting the finishing touches on the salvation work he began when we first believed.  Romans 13.

The LORD will settle international disputes. All the nations will beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks. All wars will stop, and military training will come to an end.  Isaiah 2.

How does that make you feel? Isn't it good to know that God is in our future and that God will take care of us, and that God will make things better?

Children's Prayer: "Dear God, we thank you that you are in control of our future and of our lives.  Thank you also that you have promised to make the world a better place.  Thank you that we can know that whatever happens, we know that you are with us and that nothing can separate us from your great love.   Amen."

What is Advent Really?
by Rev. F. Schaefer

props: none


Open with these questions:

1. In what form did Jesus come to us at Christmas? (human, baby, child)
2. If Jesus were to come back to earth again, what form would he choose to come a second time?  A king?  A politician? A Homeless Person? Ask them to explain their answer. You also may want to further stir their imagination by alluding to contemporary concepts. Ask them if they think Christ will come back as a super-hero, an alien, angel...

Ask the children if they think people recognized Jesus as God's Son when he came the first time (slightly shake your head to encourage a no answer).

Ask whether they think that people will recognize Him as the Son of God when he will come a second time?

Share with them that Advent is really about waiting for Jesus's Second Coming, and about preparing our hearts for this event.    You may also want to share about the Christian hope and vision that once Jesus returns, he will make this world a good and safe place.  Prayer.

Advent Wreath Lighting with the Children

1st Advent:

Today we light the first candle. It stands for the light which God promised would break into our world. During the Advent season we await the coming of Christ who brings that light.

Prayer: God of light, in you there is no darkness. Be with us, we pray as we prepare during this Advent season to celebrate the coming of Christ. May we be open enough to welcome the light you offer us, so we may come out of darkness into your glorious light. In Christ's name we pray, AMEN

 Advent Reading for Children

FIRST SUNDAY IN ADVENT: The Angels The angels have always known the good news: that God longed to be known by God's creation. From the moment humanity first walked upon the earth, God accompanied those steps and shed light upon that path. God in greatness and majesty has always stooped in lowliness to be close to the beloved creatures whose feet roam and whose hearts wander. The angels have always known of God's love for humankind. And when in the fullness of time, God's majesty took on human form and God lived upon the earth as a human baby, the news was too good to bear in silence, and had to be proclaimed in song, in angel song. The angel brought good news to Mary: behold, God shall dwell with God's creation. The angels greeted the shepherds: Christ is born!